Wednesday, October 31, 2012

God Give Us Men

God Give Us Men
I read this poem to day and thought it might be a Blessing to those who Read my blog. We surely need men and women who will stand for God's truth in this day of Apostasy.
God Give Us Men
God give us men Endued with Power,
to Meet the Challenge of the Hour,
With Apostolic zeal Inspired,
With Apostolic  Fervor Fired.

God give us Men of Single Eye,
to Live for Humanity, for Human to die,
who press to meet the battle's strife,
and love the humility more than life.

God give us men as true as steel,
to stand for truth they know and feel,
who scorn to compromise or bend,
for frown or smile of foe or friend.

God give us men who fast and pray,
In supplications night and day,
Who toil, and labor, and travail,
Who watch and wrestle and prevail.

God give us men with weeping eyes,
Who preach and pray with tears and sighs,
Who plead, and yearn, and plead again,
And move the hearts of God and men.

God give us men of courage strong,
To face the persecuting throng,
The raging storm, the lonely jail,
And never flinch, and never quail.

God give us men to preach, to pray,
To fill the gap, to lead the way,
To light revival fires again,
To work, to weep, God give us men.
by Glenn Conjurske (1947-2001)


“We have come to a turning point in the road. If we turn to the right perhaps our children and our children's children will go that way; but if we turn to the left, generations yet unborn will curse our names for having been unfaithful to God and to His Word.”

Carrying massage

Carrying the Message

Carry this message to other alcoholics!
You can help them when no one else can.
You can secure their confidence when others fail. . .
Frequent contact with newcomers and with each other
is the bright spot of our lives.

- Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 89
 In AA we don't carry the alcoholic;
we carry the message.

E S H = Experience, Strength, and Hope.

A Member Shares:
My name is Gary, I am an Alcoholic. For that I thank God daily. As my sponsor beat into my head, Chapter Seven in the Big Book is not called “Helping Others” -- it is called "Working with Others." The "others" must put an effort or Action to keep Sober. I cannot get someone sober nor keep someone sober, nor can I get someone drunk. My first year in AA was being a wet / dry drunk. It took me 13 months to get 30 days. I have heard worse. But I guess I needed all those drinks to finally Surrender to the Program. The old-timers told me to watch my message -- my verbal message and non-verbal message. They told me to practice love and tolerance. So I watch what I say around newcomers and old-timers as well. Some are set in their ways; it keeps them sober, so I try not to rock the boat. When I finally got 30 days, an old-timer asked me to purchase a coffee for someone who was shaking. I Purchased it for him, Filled it half full since he was shaking and handed it to him. He said thanks and said he had about an hour sober. So we talked. I shared how I had 30 days sober. The old-timer told me that the newcomer would relate to me with 30 days, and not him with over 20 years. That was the first time I remember actually working the Twelfth Step besides cleaning out the ash trays! Today, when meeting a newcomer, I start with the question by asking, “Are you done drinking?” Most of the time, I get a “yes.” Then, I simply ask them, “well, who created you?” I found my first Higher Power in the Seventh Step prayer, "My Creator,” (Big Book, p. 76). I discovered it was Easy for me to Understand that I was not in power, nor had the power to create Anything. I listen and watch newcomers. I have seen more newcomers leave than stay, but now I do not take it personally. They worked with me to stay sober. Thank you for letting me share.