Thursday, October 17, 2013

Changing my philosophy after 40 years


I used to think that if I prepare for all the negative and disappointment I will not be shocked and sadden if it happens. I would say that figures. If good happens, it will be a pleasant; I am living proof that someone can completely turn their life around with positive thinking. I suffered from depression most of my life. I had hit rock bottom and through faith in God, positive thinking, and my friend , I have completely turned my life around. I have friends and family who are the best.

I believe positive thinking is something very important in human life. Because without positive thinking humans would not achieve extraordinary things, so how can we remain positive thinking?
I believe positive thinking doesn't come naturally. However, it something we can build it through practice. By just focusing what we want to achieve. Not only one time, but all time, And let us remind ourselves that, what your eyes can see is Limited, but what your heart can see is Limitless.
I believe we all revisit bad situations throughout life so they may be resolved. If we have not confronted our fear within a particular situation, it will be revisited time and again until we have gained the insight and trust in ourselves to face the fear of our 'true selves'. Observing the truth through the eyes of others can be a frightening experience and one we may choose to deny. However, by rejecting that person for our strengths or weaknesses, we all also turning away from ourselves.
A positive individual is someone who can face both the good and bad within themselves, and instead of projecting these qualities onto others, they can work on changing the bad, yet share with others all that is good within themselves. Positive and truthful communication brings people together to share the good and makes for a more rewarding life.
If you can't find it, look to the support group in your life. know in your heart that every trial is a test that can only make you a stronger individual in our life race...I try thinking positive when negative situations arise, although sometimes I tend to think negative and this has affected me even in my decision making. That's when I think negatively. But when I think positively even in bad situation, I find myself making good and healthy decisions.

Positive thinking is possible indeed to all human beings. For instance, if someone may win 1, 000, 000, /- it’s easier for them to rejoice all day long and remain more positive than ever. This is a proof that we all have positive attitude. My opinion is, even when good things don't happen; always we can train our mindset to remain positive because we have deposits of greatness inside us to help us cope with any situation. My take is that God has blessed us all with power to counter any situation e.g.; when a person has a cut on the skin, with time it heals a prove that a human body is indeed capable to overcome. So positive thinking is a free choice which GOD has given us so anyone who chooses to be positive can indeed be. It's not that easy to switch to positivity at once because at times life is so hard, but it's important to try being positive because that's the only way u can favor yourself during hard times and remain strong. So friends, be confident, avoid blaming yourself.
My first step to positive thinking was to reconsider my priorities. Second step - care less what others think about you. Third step - once in a while, NOT EVERY DAY, please yourself with things that you gave up in a first step. These way things will be more pleasant and you will appreciate them more. You will be happier. Yes now My belief is that we are born into this world for a purpose and that purpose is to leave something good behind that is helpful to mankind. Whether it is to plant a tree so others can eat or to dig a well so starving children can drink water. The truth is that when you give to others in any manner you will have true happiness in your life. Positive attracts positive and negative attracts misery.

We are born into a world to work and do what is good not leave a legacy of evil and destruction. In the end, only true kindness matters and that is the light that we will find on the other side. Whatever obstacles you find in your way should only make you stronger and strive to be better. We must see the sunshine behind the clouds; we must help others stand on their own two feet. It is your legacy, so define it, write your own ending and leave something that has your name etched in time.
This is a very very important question. If every day one person is started to ask herself or himself, they would start to overcome their negatives even though the social forces stops to them. That means sometimes social habits will suppress your emotions to express freely and positively, so a positive thinker always struggles. But they enjoy the fruit if they have enough patience to receive the real juice of positivism. I try to always be grateful no matter what, even when something makes me sad I try to look for the good in it all. I'm not saying it's easy, but it helps me keep from feeling sorry for myself. Everything we do everyday of our life can be processed and perceived as a lesson. IF you look at things as a lesson you typically try and take the positive out of it (typically-not always). If you are someone that can relate to like Debbie-the-downer type of perspective and looking at things as lessons doesn't work than you need to try and relearn things that you find amusing or fun. This will reset your negative mindset of learning and you can try the positive thought by learning again.

If a situation warrants being sad over, grieve and give the situation its emotional due process. Then search for your situtation on the internet and try adding worst, funny and happy to your search box. Read the stories you find to gain perspective and hope. Finally, seach for best stand up ever on youtube and laugh for a while to get the good chemicals moving around in your brain. If a depression has set in I will write down what and who I am grateful for at the end of the day. Go for a walk. Make a plan of action, even if you don't follow it, it may make you feel better to know you have options. Oh, and keep acurate score. If you find yourself focusing on the one thing you didn't do right, make sure to write down all the things you did do right. Fairs fair.
I Believe in looking at things the way they are, whether negative or positive. If you expect the best in things, you will often be disappointed. I think that instead of trying to look at things in the best light like an optimist, or the worst light like a pessimist, you should look at them as they really are.

I believe that things be it good or bad happen to me because I am there to be shaped by them. As the saying goes "When the going gets tough, the tough gets going and the weak drop out". Even if it is hard to think like that we can be shaped by bad things or negative things that happens to us. Yes, I am a very positive thinker. Though I admit I do tend to have my negative thoughts, and when I do I remind myself of what I have. I remind myself of how I'm a kind hearted person with friends and a loving family and intelligent.

Everyone is born to die! That doesn't mean that we can kill ourselves! Suicide is common these days. Pessimists who find it difficult to face hardships, are bold enough to kill themselves rather than facing the situation boldly. They have to understand that everyone is born in a trouble-filled world, which is naturally covered with darkness. God had to create the sun and the moon to remove this darkness. Likewise, sorrow is in everyone's life, by default. It is the optimistic thought that removes these sorrows and brings in joy, happiness & peace. The first thing that a new born does is to cry. This doesn't mean that it has to cry for everything till death. A pessimist knows only to cry or ultimately die unnaturally but an optimist tries to find out different ways to come out of it, be happy & content even if it is the smallest thing in the world. An optimist not only survives these hardships by keeping himself happy but also helps in spreading this happiness & boldness around to all.

Yes, I do think that I am a positive thinker. Really, the bottle is NOT half empty and half full. It's completely full, only you have to want to see it in this way.

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